Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So...Today You Are 8

First Daughter on her 8th birthday, May 8, 2013
Today our first baby girl is eight years old.
A coming of age of sorts since it is the year she will be baptized and confirmed a member of our church.
She is growing and maturing so quickly and it truly is amazing to be a part of.
We started the morning with presents.
She's seen here in head-to-toe birthday presents - earrings and outfit from us, shoes from Grandma.
I love that out of all her cute birthday clothes she chose to wear the Nike shirt.
I watched her strut to the bus stop with a smile on her face and Butterfingers in her backpack (to share with her class).  As she walked down the aisle of the bus I could see friends and neighbors reaching up to give her hugs, I'm sure wishing her a happy birthday.
I checked her out of school for lunch - Pizza Pie Café, her choice.
First, though, we needed to stop at home for a midday wardrobe change::
Tonight it was teriyaki burgers and grilled pineapple, and chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and caramel sauce.

We headed to the nail salon tonight for some fresh painted fingers and toes.
First Daughter has been trying to quit biting her nails.
I promised her if she made it a whole month without biting them I would take her to a real nail salon.
She did it.
We celebrated her birthday and her accomplishment tonight with a trip to the salon.
It was so fun.

Happy Birthday Bear!
We are so proud of you. may also like::
::Monday Memories 047::First Daughter Turns One
::So...Our Six Year Old
::So...A Birthday Girl

Thanks for stopping by!

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