Tuesday, May 28, 2013

So...Right Now...

Right now Third Daughter...

::is our sweet little cookie.
::makes us laugh every day.  she is so fun to laugh with.
::is full of so much personality.  it's hard to believe so much can fit in one small little person.
::climbs in bed with us at night.
::still naps, which this pregnant mama is so thankful for. 
::will actually ask to take a nap.
::still cuddles with her blankie and sucks on her fingers at night.
::does not like to have her hair brushed or done.  so, most days i don't do it.
::loves to wear pajamas. 
::will often change into a new pair of pj's when i ask her to get dressed in the morning.
::"plays" soccer.  it's more like cartwheeling across the soccer field.
::pushes the limits and tests our patience.  it's what four-year-olds are good at.
::says "double love you!" (like in the last picture).
::speaks with a British accent when playing make believe.
::pronounces tomato - "to-mah-to."  even when she's not playing make believe.
::wants to be a real princess and live in a castle.
::loves to switch names with her friends.
::already knows who she's going to marry. 
::puts her shoes on the wrong feet.
::is learning to write letters.  she's really good at writing her name.
::says her prayers every night.  sometimes her stuffed animals try to say them for her.
::is best buddies with Son.  they wrestle, chase each other, tickle each other, and laugh all the time.
::loves playing with her friends.
::is not shy.  at all.
::runs on her tippy toes.
::will tell me she loves me out of the blue.  it always makes my day.
::thinks that when she grows up she will be the mom and i will be her baby.
::loves to sing.
::loves to play "who can find me first" - otherwise known as Hide-and-Seek.
::softens my heart and reminds me often how much i love being a mom.

So...you may also like::
::So...The Third we love her.
::So...I Don't Handle Rejection Very Well a sad day.
::So...You Speak a poem.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

The Yuan Fam said...

I love the fourth to last one...made me laugh!!