Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Memories 039::His First Super Bowl

Super Bowl 2012 - Go Pats!
This was our first family picture after Son was born.  Besides the hospital pics.
Dad sent official Patriots jerseys straight form Gillette Staidum for the whole fan to root for our favorite football team in the big game.  The kids loved dressing up for the game and cheering for each player they were wearing.  Husband was excited to watch some football for the first time with his son.
Unfortunately our beloved Pats didn't win, but it was a great memory.
We still bust out our jerseys for every Patriots game we watch.
Although...I'm starting to think they might be bad luck because the Pats lost the AFL Championship this year with us all decked out in our gear... 

Oh well.
We are still loyal fans, and no matter what, we think our Pats are wicked awesome. may also like::
::Monday Memories 013::Underoos doubles as a hat.
::Monday Memories 028::Visit From Grandma we love thanksgiving point.
Thanks for stopping by!

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