Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Memories 013: Underoos

January 2007
First Daughter was the age Third Daughter is now. She has always been beyond her years and in this picture we introduced the underwear at 20 months. Yes, that's right. I attempted to potty train my first child before the age of 2. Well, that lasted for a few days. I was pregnant with Second Daughter and was having too hard a time cleaning up all the accidents. We put that operation on hold for about six months.

January 2007 First Daughter was engrossed in learning how to dress herself. When I handed her the pack of underwear, she studied it for a minute and then concluded that they were for sure meant to be hats. I showed her where they really belonged, but couldn't get myself to remove the blue pair from her head. It was just too cute and definitely a worthy photo op.

Two-year-olds must be my favorite. I love how the world is starting to make sense to them and how they are exploring the ins and outs. They are trying to figure out where they fit and how things work. I love watching them discover things for the first time and see the excitement in their eyes as they learn something new. I love how proud they are of their accomplishments.

At 20 months First Daughter was singing up a storm. She had ABC's, Doe-a-Deer, and Jingle Bells secured tightly under her belt. She got her first baby for Christmas that year and gently and lovingly cared for her. She helped me in all the preparations for Second Daughter and barely fit on my lap to snuggle in the blue chair.

I have very tender feelings thinking back on my time with just one baby girl. Looking at this picture I remember the mixed feelings I had anticipating another child. I was so excited and thrilled, but a bit worried on how everything would change for First Daughter. I knew our time together would never quite be the same as it was when it was just me and her. I was extraordinarily lucky to have her as my first and to have that precious time alone with her.

I must say, she has filled the big sister role very well. It's like she was born to do it. :)

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