Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Memories 030::Houses Out of Books

Yesterday was Third Daughter's Birthday.
Isn't she the cutest???

Here she is right before bedtime.
This is what she looks like after she's just been caught out of her bed when she's supposed to be in it. She runs and jumps back in as quickly as she can, then gives us this sweet smile.
She knows how she can get me with that smile.

Lately we've been reading chapter books together before bed. The older Daughters love this. Third Daughter is still deciding what she thinks. She tries really hard to stay in bed while I read. Sometimes she snuggles with her blankie while I read. Sometimes she looks through books. Sometimes she whines and moans and whimpers.

Last night she made house out of books.
It was the sweetest thing.

She so carefully built each house, one-by-one, and lined them up just right. After a few were completed, she ran back to the bookshelf saying, "I need more books! I need to make more houses!"

It made me so happy watching her build her little houses and see her little body and brain hard at work. It is one of those sweet moments as a mother, watching my child, and being so very proud of her.
And even though Monday Memories are usually dedicated to old pictures...
I never want to forget my little angel building her houses out of books. may also like:
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Autumn said...

yes she is so cute and I love this. Little boys line up trains, cars, and army guys and sweet little girls line up book houses. Adorable.