Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So...Hello 2013

Well hello there.
Long time no blog.
It feels like I haven't blogged since last year.

The holiday season has been wonderful over here.  Lots of time with Husband home, lots of down time, a complete lack of schedule, and lots of time just being together.  It was really great.  It's funny how not too long ago time at home without anything to do and not much structure drove me crazy.  Now I crave it.  It is so nice to just be.  And to let the kids just be.

At the close of 2012 I have been thinking of lessons learned and possible resolutions.  All I've come up with are a few mantras that have been floating through my mind this year that I would love to turn from thoughts to actions in 2013.  Not really resolutions, but it's kind of a start.

::seek first to understand, not to be understood.
::give more, need less.
::it is was it is.
::learn to let things go.
::life is so good. see it.  remember it.
::every little thing is gonna be alright.
::be grateful.  show love.  be happy.  and smile.

And if I was to pick one thing I want to do more of in 2013, it would be - LAUGH.  It is so good for the soul and so very fun.  Life goes by way too fast to spend so much time being so serious.

What about you?
Are you a resolution maker?
What are some of yours this year? may also like::
::So...I Resolve 2011.
::So...Resolutions and 300th Post 2010.
::So...Another New Year 2009.

Thanks for stopping by!

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