Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Memories 060::Brave Girl

August 2011
We don't have a set rule about getting ears pierced in our family.  We've always just kind of left it up to the kiddos.  Whenever they ask we explain what happens, how it hurts, what it takes to keep them clean, and that they don't actually get to wear the earrings they want for a long time after getting them pierced.  We wait to see if they continue to ask and see if they really want to get their ears pierced.  If they really do, them we let them.
First Daughter got her ears pierced when she was two.
Believe it or not, she was well informed, understood, and indeed really wanted them pierced. 
Very characteristic of her.
Second Daughter was four.
She was very excited at first, and then a little more nervous during the piercing prep.  She was brave through the whole ordeal, shed a few tears, but then was all smiles after.  She takes very good care of her ears and still is a bit nervous every time we change her earrings.
Very characteristic of her.  :)
Third Daughter still hasn't asked for her ears pierced.
She will pretend to wear earrings - hang fish hook earrings from her ears or put stickers on her lobes.
She asks to wear earrings, but when I explain that she can't because he ears are not pierced, she has not yet asked to actually get her ears pierced. 
I'm not sure if she even knows it's an option...
We'll see when she figures that out and insists on getting hers pierced. may also like::
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

We have a minimum age rule, but I totally agree that it should be the kid's choice. You have darling kiddos.