Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am so inspired by the people around me.
There is so much good and so much love.

I have seen many acts of service - large and small - being performed without any desire of acknowledgment or recognition.  Lots of people trying to fill needs where they see them without any thought of their own needs or desires.  I have seen people making sacrifices willingly for the sake of their neighbors and friends.  Cleaning, watching kids, bringing in meals, sharing services and skills, listening, laughing, raising funds, and everything in between. 
An outpouring of love that is so inspiring.

I have also seen so much gratitude and humility.  People accepting these services with grace and gratitude.  Many just plugging away at life without any expectation of help or relief, but so thankful for what is given.  Anything given.  I have seen gratitude for things large and small, people so thankful and touched by anything and everything people are able to give.  Showing thanks with a note, a hug, a smile, a thank you, some tears, or a treat. 
An outpouring of gratitude that is so inspiring.

There is so much good in people and I love seeing it.
It inspires, uplifts, and motivates me to be a little better and do a little more. may also like::
::So...The Type of Person a poem.
::So...Perspective be grateful.
::So...I Want to Be and i keep trying every day.

Thanks for stopping by!


The Yuan Fam said...

Amen!!! I had an experience today and it makes me know that there are still good/great people around...refreshing!!

Autumn said...

I've missed reading your thoughts. I'm so thankful for you and for being the recipient of selfless service. :)