Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Memories 022: Andrea in China

Since our move, our home server has been out of order. This means I have no access to any of our photos {boo!}. Monday Memories are a bit tricky without the old photos. So...I have decided to call on some of my friends/fellow bloggers/favorite writers to write up some guest posts for me. I'm actually really excited about this. I've never had guest bloggers before and I'm excited to read what they come up with. I'm a succor for a good story - especially one that has a picture to go with it. First up, Andrea! Andrea is Husband's cousin and I love her dearly. She is so sweet, positive, and fun to be around. Andrea's family moved to China when she was a junior in high school. I'm sure that wasn't an easy thing to do, but from everything I've heard from her and from her family, they had an incredible experience. I loved seeing her pictures on her blog and on facebook during that time. Now, Andrea's family is back in the U.S. and she is attending BYU here in Provo. We get to see Andrea every so often and I always look forward to it. She's a very talented photographer and I'm excited for her to take pictures of my kiddos someday. Oh, and if you don't already know, Andrea is the baby whisperer. She has an amazing gift with children. They all LOVE her. Andrea's in the brown dress {which I love!} on the right. May 2008 name is Andrea, and Megan is my wonderful cousin. She has asked me to write a guest post for her Monday Memories and I am very honored that she would want ME to write something on her blog! Between the years of 2006 and 2008 I created so many incredible memories because I spent that time living in China, so it was really hard to find one picture that would represent one memory. This particular picture is from May 2008, and it is of me and my senior class, some of my best friends in China. This picture represents more to me than just our Senior Prom night; this picture represents so many memories and so much love that I have for these six people. That year the seven of us created so many memories together, from sitting on the couches in our high school doing our online classes, to our Senior Seminar class, where we researched world problems and then presented well thought out presentations on how these problems affected the world, and from biking through the jungles of Malaysia and hanging out on Survivor Island, to this night, our Senior Prom, the night every high school senior dreams about. I relive those memories every time I see this picture of us together at the end of an incredible year. These six amazing individuals changed my life, and I will always remember that year, and all the memories that we shared. Thank you so much Andrea! I was hoping you would pick something from your time in China. What an amazing experience! Are you interested in sharing your story for a future Monday Memories? You are more than welcome to! Email me at may also like: ::Monday Memories 007: Missionary Bro what my college brother is doing. ::Monday Memories 006: Summer Lovin' back in my college days. ::Monday Memories it begins. Thanks for stopping by!

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