Thursday, November 22, 2012

So...I Am SO Thankful

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
Family + food + thankful hearts = perfection.

I woke up before the fam to get the turkey in the oven.
The house was quiet and peaceful and I was alone with my thoughts cooking in the kitchen - where I feel at home. 

I thought about my mother.  My wonderful mother.  I thought about all the work she put in to making our home life special, especially around the holidays.  I get my love for cooking yummy food for my family and friends from her.  I think of her often when I'm in the kitchen.  I had no idea the things she did and the effort and planning that is part of holidays and family traditions.  I appreciate her more than ever now that I'm a mom and have that role to fill.

I thought about my family.  My amazing husband and sweet children asleep soundly in their beds.  It is such a blessing to be a part of a family and to be surrounded by people you love and love you back.  It is the greatest blessing.  And an added blessing that we are all healthy and happy and enjoy a pretty comfortable, happy life together.

I thought about this wonderful place that we live.  Our comfortable house.  Friendly, loving, mindful neighbors.  It is a blessing to be surrounded by wonderful people, in a safe community, with incredible opportunities for our children to be involved in great schools, activities, sports, and friendships.  I am so thankful for the friendships we have formed here that has made it a little bit easier to live so far away from family.  I am thankful for people that love us and allow us to love them.  I am thankful for people who inspire, uplift, and are just fun to be around.

I thought about home.  My home in Massachusetts. The setting for the first Thanksgiving and the thankful hearts that came together to celebrate friendship and a plentiful harvest.  I am so thankful for wonderful examples throughout history of kindness and gratitude for this blessed land in which we live.

After I got things going and settled in the kitchen the Daughters and I hit the river trail for a bike ride.  Second Daughter's first trip on the trail on her two-wheeler.  The sun peaked through the rustling leaves and sparkled on the river water.  Ducks waddled their way along the path that we rode on.  Fellow bikers and runners greeted us with "Happy Thanksgiving" and friendly smiles as they passed.  We caught up with two horse riders who let us pet their horses.  The girls were beyond thrilled.  First Daughter dubbed it "the most perfect Thanksgiving activity ever!"

Right now, while I wait for the turkey, the daughters are enjoying some hot chocolate and candy canes, Husband is playing Minecraft, and Son is crawling around the family room babbling at the dog.  Oh how I love being home with my family.

We are excited for family to come in town to eat with us.
We are looking forward to a little Turkey Bowl and Turkey Shoot in our front yard.
We are already anticipating pie with some dear dear friends.

I love this holiday so so much.
I love taking a day to slow down and take a break from the normal business of life.
I love spending a day (or two) preparing a delicious meal together as a family.
I love spending extra time thinking and talking about the things that we are thankful for.

Where are you spending Thanksgiving?
Are you cooking?
What do you do while you wait for the turkey?

Wishing you a turkery-pie-family-fun-nap filled Thanksgiving! may also like::
::So...The Day Before preparations.
::So...We Are Thankful a wall.
::So...Challenges also a blessing.

Thanks for stopping by!

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