Saturday, January 1, 2011

So...the new year

The perfect way to end 2010 - First Daughter on my team while playing Banangram with family.
We rocked the three letter words.

2010 was a good year for us. Lots of firsts, lots of growth, and lots of blessings. I am thankful for my sweet little family more than ever this year. They are my rock. They are my strength. They keep my feet on the ground and my eyes looking forward. They fill my life with love, joy, and gratitude.

Happy New Year everyone.
I wish you all the best in 2011.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hi Megan--Just wanted to say hi! I stumbled across your blog a few months ago maybe and have enjoyed checking in now and then and seeing what you and your girls (who are BEAUTIFUL by the way) are up to (you give me good craft ideas!) I saw your dad right around Thanksgiving and it sounds like all is well with your family, which is great to hear :)