Wednesday, January 5, 2011


These charcoal portraits were done by my mother, and this was her Christmas present to me this year. When I first saw them I teared up. They are gorgeous. They are precious. They are perfect. I've always known my mother has a serious gift, but that doesn't stop me from being blown away every time I look at her work. And this time, with the subjects being my three precious girls, my heart could hardly handle it.

These are possibly (definitely) the best and most priceless gifts anyone has ever given me. I can't wait for them to be framed and on my walls. These picture hardly do the originals justice, so you all will just have to come visit me and see them in person.

Thank you, Mom, for taking the time to create these masterpieces for me. They will be cherished by me and our family for generations. I'm sure of it. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us in a way more meaningful than I could ever express.


Becca said...

I can not believe she made these. They are beautiful and look JUST like the girls. Your mom is so talented!

Autumn said...

Wow, they are amazing! She's incredibly talented.

Quinn, Allison, Rylee and Cailyn McNamara said...

Those turned out beautiful! What a special gift.