Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Six Week Plan: Day 2

Breakfast: 1/2 Morning Smoothie (Calories=175)
AM Snack: 1/2 Morning Smoothie (Calories=175)

Lunch: 3 oz. pork chop, 1 cup zucchini (Calories=213)
PM Snack: Quaker chewy granola bar - S'mores (Calories=90)
Dinner: 4 oz. shredded BBQ chicken, 1/2 cup roasted red potatos, 1 cup broccoli (Calories=348)
Treat at YW: cookie from a bakery (Calories=200?)

Total Calories: 1201

Exercise: Tuesday = strength training
40 minutes: weight training
Legs: squats with weights, one leg bench crossovers w/ weight
Back: rows, pullovers
Arms: bicep curls w/ wall squat, skull crushers (triceps) on the ball
Chest: flys, pushups
Abs: crunches & criss cross on the ball
15 minutes: stairs

Success: No soda again today! I started dragging around 3:00, but the good news is that I feel like I'm going to crash tonight and sleep very well.
Confession: Six weeks sounds like a really long time...


Becca said...

Way to go! I'm very impressed!

katie said...

Im taking notes on your meal plans and workouts. Im not too far off from having to start that process again.
I can't wait to get back in shape again but Im going to enjoy my last couple months of getting fat. Can't wait to hear more!