Friday, October 19, 2012

So...Fall in the Park

We love the park.
Seriously, who doesn't?
I especially love taking the kiddos to the park on a quiet fall afternoon.
I love the red cold cheeks, sweatshirts, runny noses, huge smiles, a brief break from the busy school schedule, and time together to just be.
It feels so good for the soul.

Check out that gorgeous red tree!
First Daughter takes piano lesson from my aunt about 20 minutes from our house, so we all pile in and hang out at the park while she's in her lesson. 
This park is right across the street from the house we lived in when I was pregnant with First Daughter. 
We were living with my Grandpa.
We lived with him the last year of his life.
We moved when First Daughter was three weeks old.
When we went to Grandpa's house after he passed away, the only picture left on his fridge was First Daughter's newborn picture.
I am so grateful for that time we had with him and the special memories we have of him.
Being in that neck of the woods always makes me think of him.
I miss him and the twinkle in his eye.

There's something magical about a kid swinging high on a swing.
Pure joy.


The Yuan Fam said...

I have to admit, I laughed out loud when I saw that picture of Brooke swinging. It almost looks like a picture from the '80s and maybe even a little bit superimposed with a little bit of Dave in there. Made me giggle. I agree with you about chilly park days, cold pink cheeks, runny noses and sweatshirts. Doesn't get better. It's also fun to come home after that and warm up in a fun way.

Meg said...

Don't you love her rainbow pants?!