Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Six Week Plan: Day 9

Breakfast: 1/2 Morning Smoothie (Calories=175)
AM Snack: Krispy Kreme blueberry cake donut (Calories=240)

Lunch: 4 oz. beef roast (Calories=255)
PM Snack:
Dinner: 4 oz. grilled chicken, 1 cup grilled pineapple, 1 corn on the cob (Calories=395)
Treat: 1/2 cup berry gelato from Costco (Calories=200?)

Total Calories: 1265

Exercise: Tuesday = strength training
30 minutes: weight training
Legs: step up & lunge back w/ weight,
Back: pullovers
Arms: bicep curls w/ wall squat, dips (triceps)
Chest: flys
Abs: pike on the ball

15 minutes: stairs

Success: Day 9 - complete.
Confession: The girls asked to stop at Krispy Kreme after we picked Second Daughter up from preschool - an occasional indulgence for us all. I even thought to myself, "oh, this is a good test. I can get the girls a donut and not eat one myself. That would be so awesome of me!" Did it actually happen? No. I ate one anyway. But it was a blueberry donut - doesn't that mean it's healthier??? :)

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