Monday, September 20, 2010

Six Week Plan: Day 8

Breakfast: 1/2 Morning Smoothie (Calories=175)
AM Snack: 1 1/2 cup watermelon (Calories=73)

Lunch: 6 chicken meatballs w/ marinara sauce, 6 baby carrots (Calories=230)
PM Snack: 1/2 Morning Smoothie (Calories=175)

Dinner: 4 oz. beef roast, red potatos, carrots (Calories=380)
FHE Treat: banana bread, strawberries (Calories=300)

Total Calories: 1333

Exercise: Monday = cardio
30 min: run
10 min: walk at an incline
10 min: run
10 min: walk at an incline
5 min: walk

Pounds Lost: 5 wahoo!!!
Pounds Left to Lose: 5

Success: It worked! I was really surprised that I lost 5 pounds in the first week. I think it mostly had to do with the over eating and water retention from the weekend right before last Monday when I weighed in. My original weight probably wasn't very accurate, but still...I'm feeling pretty good about 5 pounds lost, and one week without soda. Yay! I am feeling confident that I can reach my goal.

Confession: I really don't like caffeine-withdrawal induced headaches.

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