Thursday, July 29, 2010


it only took me a few months...
Letter K

K is for Kite

I didn't get very many pictures of this Letter Project, but you get the idea. We used watercolors to decorate the kite, colored popcicle sticks, glue dots to glue them on, ribbon and paper for the tail.
First Daughter enjoyed cutting out the bows for the tail herself after I drew the shape - great scissor practice! And they were thrilled to finally have a new letter craft to display in our kitchen.


Mercedes said...

I love this letter craft idea! I'm so excited to get to do stuff like might be a few years but it's fun to start getting ideas :D P.S. LOVE your new camera (or at least the pictures I get to see)

The Attached Mama said...

That turned out very cute! I host a feature on my blog called The Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection. Would you be interested in linking up your blog?
You can read more about the collection here: