Saturday, May 15, 2010

So...10 weeks

No, I am not pregnant.

Today marks the end of 10 weeks that I have been working out (hard, I might add) for 6 days each week. I am training for a half marathon. Today I ran 10 miles.

The summer I got pregnant with Third Daughter, I was also training for a half marathon and in the best shape I've been in since having kids. Possibly even since I've been married. I worked hard to lose the baby weight from Second Daughter, I worked hard to get fit, and I worked even harder training to run 13.1 miles - which I never ran.

Two weeks away from the race I developed a very painful case of planters fasciitis. Morning sickness was also kicking into high gear and waking up at 6 am to run a half marathon through constant foot pain did not sound ideal. So, I opted out. I wanted my first half marathon to be a pleasant experience. I knew I'd have another chance.

And here I am.

I'm weeks away from running my first half marathon that I never thought I'd be able to run. I've never been much of a runner. Well, at least I wasn't back when I played sports. I hated running just for the sake of running. It seemed boring and a waste of time. I'd rather play lacrosse or soccer or any sport for that matter. I ran around enough of the field that I had no need for extra running.

Now that I don't have an athletic outlet in organized sports, I have grown to love running. I mean really love. I crave it. It makes me feel strong. It helps me stay emotionally balanced. I live for the rhythm of running - my feet, my breathing, my heart. Everything makes sense when I run. It is more than therapeutic. It works magic.

And so now that I have completed 10 weeks of my 12 week training program, I am still about 10 weeks and 10 lbs. away from my fitness goal. At times it is a bit discouraging and overwhelming to think about continuing this for 10 more weeks. But I am thrilled about what I've accomplished, I feel great, and I can feel my body changing and getting stronger everyday. It is the best feeling.

And the most important thing I have learned, without a doubt, is that exercise is the key to my emotional stability. Exercise helps keep my mind clear and helps to flush out negativity. It causes me to focus on one thing for that hour or so that I'm working out. It helps me sleep better. And we all know that tired Megan = grumpy Megan.

So here's to the 10 weeks that are behind me, and to the 10 weeks (hopefully less!) that lie ahead.



Mercedes said...

Hi Megan! You're SO much better than me! I never run...I go on walks but definitely not regularly. Congratulations on making it this far! That's So exciting! I'm glad you've found something that works for you! Good luck with reaching your goal! :D

Becca said...

Way to go!! That's super exciting! Where's the half marathon that you're doing? We really need to catch up one of these days and plan our camping trip (I'm serious). But good job on working out!

Autumn said...

You're Amazing.

Mk said...

that is pretty fantastic. i totally admire your consistency. Way to go!