Sunday, February 21, 2010's ok

Thinking a lot about this little blog of mine. (What's new?) Wondering and questioning if I have anything original, creative, inspiring to offer this world of blogging? Sometimes I'm not sure. And then I try to remember why I started blogging in the first place? Oh right. For me, not for them. But that doesn't stop me from thinking (and dreaming) about what could possibly become of this little blog, what direction I want to go with it, who might be reading it, or what pieces of myself I want to put out there for the world to read. Do I really want to pour out my heart and soul? Do I want to share ideas or is this just a place for me to file thoughts and ideas for the future? Perhaps it's a little bit of both.

Of course, every blogger wants readers. If they didn't, blogging doesn't make any sense to me. If you don't want readers, just write your thoughts and experiences in a journal or type away at your computer and click save. The reason bloggers blog is because they want somebody to read what they have to say.

And I am no different.

Yes, I hope that someone, somewhere out there (beneath the pale moonlight) reads what I post and in someway is connected to it, uplifted by it, motivated, or maybe even entertained a bit. I like knowing that someone appreciates what I have to say. I like feeling connected to people. I like feeling like someone cares about what I think. Who doesn't?

But I can also feel (like I think many other blogger do) a bit self conscience. I find myself getting too caught up in what people might think when they read what I write. I find myself formulating posts based on what might get more readers or more comments. I find myself comparing myself to other bloggers I follow; which, like any form of comparison, usually doesn't do any good. (Is that a proper use of a semi-colon?) I can easily get overwhelmed with the incredibly talented and truly gifted bloggers out there. And I don't think that does me any good.

I then go back and rethink why I even blog in the first place.
It's something that is mine. It's something that I have complete control over. It is a way for me to express myself exactly the way I want to. It is an outlet for me to say whatever it is that I just have to say. It feels like a friend I can turn to when I just want to talk. About anything.

What do I have to offer blogland? I don't know.
All I know is that I like to put myself into whatever it is I'm doing. I like feeling like it's mine. I like feeling proud of whatever it is that I have created. This blog is no different. And so I hope to stay true to that. I want this blog to be me - entirely and completely - and if all I have to offer this world is me, than I think that is ok.


Mk said...

not sure if everyone who blogs wants and audience- i'm sure more than a few of us who really just want a handful of select readers;) It is an easy form of communication, in the end.

I think you have a lot to offer. Keep it up and don't let the critics (inside or out) silence your creativity.

i'll leave you with this:
“If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
- Thomas Edison

Meg said...

readers are readers - even if they are a select few. I guess the exception would be private bloggers who don't invite anyone to read it.

Once again, thanks for the encouraging comments MK and for being my most faithful reader. :)

Dan said...

Keep those posts coming Meg. I'm readin and loving it!