Monday, December 21, 2009 cleaning list 2

Ah, I LOVE having a clean kitchen. I found myself sitting and admiring my sparkling sink and new foil covered burners on the stovetop.
Now on to the Family Room.

Family Room/Entry:
- vacuum floor done
- vacuum under couch cushions done
- vacuum under couches done
- dust done
- sweep/mop entry floor done
- clean windows/glass done
- disinfect piano keys (I'm a piano teacher - there are LOTS of little fingers and LOTS of little germs that touch those keys daily) done
- sweep porch - it's raining, so not today

Kid's List:
- feed dogs done
- straighten books done
- put away toys done
- straighten couch cushions/pillows done
- clean door knobs done
- clean floorboards/chair rail done

**Maybe you already know this, but did you know that you can dust with a microfiber cloth or towel without any sort of spray? It works rather nicely.

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