Monday, February 23, 2009

So...finishing touches

So, I've finally decided on the finishing touches for the Daughters' bedroom. Right now, the walls are painted pink & brown, with a white chair rail. I finally made their comforters this Christmas, which also have pink/white/brown patterns. I've have wanted to incorporate butterflies somehow into the scheme, but haven't figured out the best way.

Here's what their bedroom looks like now to give you a visual:

I recently found these at Target and am so excited to get them! I think they will be perfect!

Then, I want to hang three picture frames similar to this one -

(probably with a different matte that can hold a larger picture) with sepia photos of each one of our girls. They will hang by thick ribbon (white with brown poka dots probably) on the wall above the crib. Above will be written in brown vinyl lettering "Dreams really do come true..." in some cute, whimsical font.

I think after that the room will be done. OH! Except I do want to paint the walls inside the closet. I know that may sound strange, but we have taken the doors off the closet in their room and it has wonderful built in shelves. Painting the backs of each shelf/cubby will make it feel less like a closet and more part of their room (I think). At the very least it will make it cuter!

I also had this great find at Target:

I bought a very similar blanket for McKenna this time two years ago. It is the same material, same color, only with dark brown butterflies instead of birds. It is her favorite blankie! I was excited to find this similar blanket for our new baby. Perhaps it will be her favorite too.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Their room is VERY cute. I'm amazed at how much you've been doing being so pregnant. You are doing great!