Saturday, January 24, 2009

I feel like I enter each stage of pregnancy all-of-a-sudden. Nothing seems to come gradually. Like all of a sudden I feel sick; all of a sudden I don't feel sick anymore; all of a sudden I have a HUGE belly; all of a sudden I get heartburn ALL the time; all of a sudden I can feel the baby move - a lot; all of a sudden I am seriously in nesting mode. The latest is, all of a sudden I CANNOT BREATHE. I seriously feel like I need to carry an oxygen tank around with me. I figured out that I could control my nighttime breathing with Breathe Right strips, but now I feel like I can't breathe through my mouth either. That could be a problem... So, basically I feel like I'm out of breath all the time. Luckily I still feel like I can laugh at it. It is quite funny that I lose my breath before I can even finish a sentence. It can be quite entertaining at times while I'm trying to get through announcements in Relief Society. Maybe I should write in little "remember to breathe" notes for myself.

Oh the joys of pregnancy :)


Kelly said...

I will never forget when I gave birth to soon as she popped out I could breath again!! I almost forgot what it was like to take in a full breath of air!

Autumn said...

I hear ya Megan! Trying to actually sing an entire hymn these days makes me feel like I'm going to pass out!