Saturday, January 10, 2009


I don't know about you, but I am always making new goals and creating new programs on how to better keep my house clean. I am always so impressed with people who seem to be able to keep their house clean always. When I drop by someone's house without any notice and their house is immaculate, I'd say they pretty much have their house clean all the time. I am not one of those lucky people that know how to stay on top of my housework. I don't know what it is. I don't think I'm a messy person - I really do love having a clean house and I don't mind cleaning. I think it's a combination of multi-tasking overload (trying to do WAY too many things at the same time) and toddlers (enough said).

Anyway, my friend introduced me to this great website that gives tips and plans to becoming more organized and less overwhelmed with housework. There is TONS of info on the website and sometimes it's hard to even know where to start, but I really do enjoy the daily emails and tasks that help me remember to do things that I always forget to do - like cleaning out the garbage can, wiping the floorboards, or dusting the light fixtures. The tip I like the most is to set your timer for only 15 minutes and get as much of the task done as you can in that time. Don't get overly obsessed and spend half your day. I love it!

So, if you are someone like me that wants to be better at staying on top of housework and does better with tasks given by someone else, check it out. It definitely has worked for me.


Anonymous said...

If I can get the toys picked up and the dishes done before the end of the day...I call that sucess! But, then again...perhaps I could use some tips (couldn't we all!) Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan,
Thanks so much for the nice comments on my blog! You're really sweet.
I just had to comment on this post because I teach relief society and this was actually the lesson I taught today!!
I LOVED this lesson. What a great way to understand leadership, that much more. JS was such an example! I found this amazing talk on called Jesus: The Perfect Leader, and I loved it. I mostly used that for my lesson, because I knew that the ladies would be able to relate. It's so great to hear someone else's thoughts on this great lesson!
Your fam is SO cute. I love all the sassy pictures of your girls! I think your oldest looks JUST like your hubby!
Hope all is well.
Shelley Smith