Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Memories 023: Kari Turns 30

This week's guest blogger is a dear dear friend of mine, Kari. I feel like we were meant to be friends. We rented condos next to each other, then bought houses across the river from each other, and now our daughters are in the same Kindergarten class. I hope our lives stay connected as they have because I appreciate her friendship so much.

Kari has a private family blog, so no link today, but hers is one I read faithfully. I love how reflective she is on life, motherhood, and faith. She inspires me in so many ways and I'm so glad she agreed to share a Monday Memory with me!

May I introduce, Kari::

March, 2009 I have to admit that when Megan asked me to guest blog for her Monday Memories… I was super excited and super nervous at the same time. I have a blog but its private so my ramblings are just that… private-or semi-private I guess.

The only people who read my blog are close friends and family. With the prospect of writing publicly I immediately wondered what my catch would be. Will I be witty? Will I be sincere? Will I be cool or awkward or embarrassing?? After talking with Megan, I am going with honesty and just being myself. Because I know how to do that.

I picked this picture/memory because it happens to be one of my favorites. Not because I think it’s an amazing picture but because it’s one of my favorite people and one of my favorite days.

This is on my 30th birthday. A lot of people have issues with getting old. Not me. Especially my 30th birthday. It was a defining moment for me. It was a turning point for me with a lot of private issues. It celebrated a moment for me that reminded me how grateful I am to be alive and encouraged me to continue to work harder so I can stick around.

I was very happy this day—which my husband likes to point out he wasn’t even in town. Just a coincidence he had to be out of town on business. I invited all of my closest friends and siblings (one came in from out of town) to celebrate with me. One of whom is this beautiful lady. She was very round and ripe with pregnancy. I LOVE watching my friend’s blossom with pregnancy. They are beautiful and radiant with the life inside them. Does anyone think this about themselves WHILE they are pregnant? Probably not, but I do appreciate the pictures of myself pregnant AFTER being pregnant.

Megan has been such a good example to me since we met in 2005. She continues to teach me things about myself especially in the gift of Motherhood. She is a great Mother. I know she questions it sometimes… I do too. I would imagine we all question ourselves on a regular basis. But that probably is what helps us to grow. It’s the season I am in. I love this season. I love rubbing baby tummies, nursing my little one, getting up at nights with nightmares and soothing upset children back to sleep.

A friend asked me recently what my identity was? I wasn’t sure how to answer that. I appreciated my husbands list for me:

Child of God Woman Daughter Sister Wife Best Friend Mother Provider Nurturer Teacher Comforter Listener Caretaker Chef Gardener HandyWoman

When I look back at this picture, I can see all of these in my friend… and if I give myself credit… in myself. Megan gave me a little plant from IKEA as gift. It still sits in my kitchen. When I look at it I always think back to this great day and it continues to give me encouragement to do a little better each day.

Finally… kind of a side notes…

1. The desserts on the far left of the picture… They were DIVINE! Butter yellow cake, white chocolate ganache, whipped creamy buttercream frosting with fresh strawberries… little cakelets.. mmmmmmm………..

2. My pre-pregnancy GAP jeans. So cute. Don’t care if I get back into them, but they were super cute.

3. Peeps on top of the microwave… somebody (Wendy-SIL) loves me. However, they have to get kind of stale before they need to be eaten.

4. 13 going on 30 was going on in the background. 30, Flirty and Thriving. :) It became my motto for the year. (Only flirty with the hubby.. of course ;) )

And my sidenote:: 5. LOVE that I have the ever-food-stained-belly. Oh goodness me...

I love love LOVE the memory your chose Kari. And I love the list you shared with us - it fits you perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing! I too had so much fun that night. Nothing like friend birthday parties for big girls. And it was a miracle that I got up out of that LoveSac that night :)

Are you interested in sharing your story for a future Monday Memories? You are more than welcome to! Email me at may also like: ::So...I'm Back...Kind Of a couple days later. ::So...Third Daughter pregnant with her. ::Monday Memories 014: Winter Swingin' where we met our dear friends.

Thanks for stopping by!

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