Thursday, November 18, 2010

So...Palindrome Poem

I've found a renewed motivation to write.
Consider me re-inspired.
Along with a vacation down memory lane, I payed a long-overdue visit to Poetic Asides today (I'm 18 days behind on the November PAD Challenge. Blast!) and took a shot at the Palindrome Poem.

Here are the rules as listed on Poetic Asides:

1 )You must use the same words in the first half of the poem as the second half, but
2) Reverse the order for the second half, and
3) Use a word in the middle as a bridge from the first half to the second half of the poem.

It was a bit tricky at first - ok, a lot tricky - but I seemed to find great inspiration under challenging circumstances. This is what I came up with:

(No Title Yet)

Music pours out
and stories tell
he knows.
He sees
and touches me.
With him, there is
Is there
him with me?
Touches and sees.

He knows.
He tells stories
and out pours music.

What excited me the most about this poem, is that I have been trying to put this experience down on "paper" for years now, and have struggled with where and how to start. Now I have something down. I have something to work off of. This is an exciting baby step for me that hopefully will lead to great strides (and possibly the book that's been stewing in my head for a while now).

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