Monday, June 21, 2010

So...I'm alive

Sorry for the lack of posting lately.
No excuse, except that I feel like I've been playing catch up for the past month.
Completely self-inflicted, but that's all I've got...

And for those of you wondering and concerned after my last post, and after recent events that have occurred on the Provo River Trail, no I am not running on the trail alone anymore. In fact, I went on my first long road run today around Provo. It was quite the tour. From my house in West Provo all the way to BYU, almost up to the Temple, and made my way all the way back. Barely. For some reason 9 1/2 miles seems a lot longer when I'm running through town and not back and forth on the river trail.

We have been home from Texas for about 20 days now, and I am finally feeling like things are getting back to normal. I was in denial for that first week we were home, wishing we were still on vacation playing with some of our favorite cousins. The second week back we had house guests, and everyone knows there's no hope trying to hold on to normalcy while guests are in town. That's part of the fun. And so here we are, the last week in June, and we are just barely getting our acts together to enjoy our summer in Provo.

OH! And I have finally burned all of your copies of the Girl Mix 2010. They are packaged, ready to be sent to you all. If I was a thoughtful blogger, I would have posted a picture here of them all wrapped and stacked perfectly so. I guess you'll have to just use your imagination :)
I promise I will send them out before we leave for San Jose on Friday.
I promise.

Thank you guys for the sweet and subtle reminders that it had been too long since my last post.
It was just the nudge I needed to get back to writing.

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!


Hannah said...

You have been busy!! Glad you are back in town.

So, I am your new visiting teacher! Yay! I want to come visit you sometime soon. I'll give you a call.

Mk said...

Yay! I am SO glad you are alive;) But you ARE super busy so don't stress about lots of posting. We just love to hear about what going through your head and all about your sweet girlies (maybe I should learn to pick up the phone once in a while). Still wish we were neighbors. Have a great trip to SJ!
Happy Summer!

rrluke said...

Ok - I've been out of town so I'm late to the party but I would love a cd for my girly girls. I wish I would have had it before our trip to North Carolina . . . but my kids are somewhat pros at the long travel thing, too. So we will use it just to party this summer. ;)