Wednesday, December 23, 2009 + baking

I'm continuing my Christmas Cleaning Spree, but my efforts have been majoring thwarted by my holiday baking and muddy dogs. I should have waited to do the kitchen last. Note for next year.

I realized today that Christmas is two days away and I still have 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms left. Hmm. So, I'm splitting it all up between today and tomorrow. I am hoping to get it all done while I'm waiting for the millions of loaves of bread I'm making to rise and bake.

Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.

Today's list:
- pick up toys in playroom done
- vacuum playroom + bedrooms done
- dust
- lots of laundry doing it
- put away lots laundry
- clean mirrors
- make beds done
- straighten bedroom closets

Kid's list:
- feed dogs done
- fold towels
- help pick up toys done
- match DVD's with covers done

1 comment:

Hannah said...

mmm! You bread is fabulous. (The entire loaf was gone in 2 days. We were all in heaven.)

Good luck with the chores!