Thursday, November 19, 2009

So...I want it to be

Do you have any blogs on your list that you read, but you know you shouldn't?
Are there any that just make you feel bad, or make you mad, or make you wish that you didn't read it at all?

I do.
And for whatever reason, I still read them.

I should probably get some help for that.

If this blog is one of those to you, stop reading.
Please stop.
I do not want to add that kind of stress to your life.

And I don't want that on my conscience.

I started this blog when I realized that my family blog was turning into more of a Megan blog, rather than a family blog. I was adding more and more commentary and less family pictures/updates. I decided to break off and start this blog, dedicated only to my own thoughts and ramblings. That way, those who didn't care so much about what was on my mind, but cared to see pics of the beautiful babes (which is far more interesting, I admit) could go there. And those (very few, if any) who wanted, could come here.

I didn't really have any idea what this blog was going to be about. I still don't really know. It is a place I can turn to, upload my thoughts, share some writing (which still terrifies me), catalog some great ideas, crafts, recipes, etc. that I want to keep track of, and possibly connect with people who just so happened to stumble across my blog.

But even though I'm still trying to find what I want my blog to be, I do know how I want my blog to feel when and if people actually read it.

I want it to be uplifting.
I want it to be real.
I want it to be something others can relate to.

If this blog does the opposite of any of the above mentioned things, stop reading.
Stop now.
Please stop.


Kelly said...

I love reading your's honest! And that is the most important thing to me, especially when it comes to blogs!

Hannah said...

i love your blog too! keep writing!

MommyMert said...

Can I guess the blog you are referring to? hmm... I love your blog. Dont stop. :) However, you can stop reading mine if you dont like it. Just wanted to make sure we are clear. teehehe...

Autumn said...

I too love your blog. There's actually been various times that things you've said here have really helped me. Like when you said you refuse to be your husbands mom, and the one where you said the housework, etc is your job and to just do it and not complain. I think about those things at times and it's changed my perception tons! So thanks. You're great. :)

Kevin & Joy Herring said...

I truly enjoy your blog. You inspire me and I am grateful for another way to get to know you.

Lexi said...

I love your blog!
Everbody loves hearing something they can relate to- and be inspired by. I hope my blog isn't too negative.