Friday, November 13, 2009

So...Dr. Martin

Today I'm sporting the Dr. Martin's.
Yes, I did just refer to them by their full name.
I am fully aware that nobody wears the Docs anymore.
Nobody, that is, but me.
I know this because when I went looking for some new ones (yes, that's right - new ones) a few years ago, the man/boy working at the store said,
"Wow. I don't think we have those. Nobody wears those anymore."
I thanked him for the "Wow."
In my head.
That was a huge boost for my fashion confidence.
I'll take that as him saying I'm unique in the fashion world.
Not that I'm a decade and a half behind.


House of Smiths said...

LOL... k, that's funny! lol

Tiffany said...

You're not behind. You're just ahead of the curve!

Lexi said...

Hey- wait a sec! I was just looking at a pair at Shoe Carnival the other day so I KNOW you can still get them.

MommyMert said...

Still have a few pairs and still love them. :)

Jenessa said...

Brenden and I both have purchased Docs within the last few years. I think we got them at Journeys at the University Mall. You are not alone. There are others of us out there. :-D