Monday, November 30, 2009

She Made My Day

I never expect my life to change when I do
normal things like drop my daughter off

at preschool. But that day it did when she
leaned and said, "You're doing a great job."

I tried to act like that was a normal thing
for her to say; like I wasn't surprised

to hear it. "Oh, thank you," I casually replied
while gathering my daughter and her backpack.

I held my breath until the classroom door
closed behind me. I knew if I exhaled, the tears

and sobs would come out, and there is no need
for that to be seen in public. It all gushed out

in the car while I white-knuckled the steering
wheel, trying to gain control. She had no idea

how much I needed to hear that, or how much
I worry about that. She has no idea how often

I replay that over in my head; because everyone
needs to hear sometimes, "You're doing a great job."

Poetic Asides PAD Chapbook Challenge:
something that will stick with you


Lexi said...

This almost made me tear up. You ARE doing a great job, Meg

Autumn said...

What a sweet little girl you have.

Mk said...

you are doing great Megan- those girlies are sweet little echos of all the good you do for them. You're a great mama;)