Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So...day two

I really am enjoying the gradual cleaning of our house, and I think Husband is too. Yesterday he even commented on how good it smelled in the family room (due to the lemon fresh dusting spray :) ). AND, the Daughters even had fun helping me dust. It feels good to have our house clean, but it also feels pretty good to have some help doing it and have everyone appreciate it along with me!

Today's cleaning list:
- clean mirrors & glass done
- wipe mantle & fire place done
- wash entry way mat done
- clean entry way floor done
- vacuum under cedar chest done
- hang violin picture done
- throw away old magazines done
- laundry: whites done

Tomorrow's list:
- straighten coat closet
- wipe floorboards in family room/entry way/hallway
- vacuum hallway
- clean vents in hallway
- wipe down front door
- organize music
- clean windows & window sills
- wipe blinds
- laundry: darks

Unless I find more things that need cleaning in the process, I might actually be done with the family room/entry way tomorrow.

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